Latest Episodes

What Christian Theology Can Learn from the Public with Brandy Daniels
To what does “speech to the detainees” refer? What is a public theologian? What is “church?” These are some of the questions that today’s...

Revisiting Religion and Politics in the Middle East with Charles Kimball
This episode originally aired on May 18, 2021. We are releasing it again given Dr. Kimball's expertise in the Middle East, the recent end...

Beyond Faith with Ted Falcon
What happens when you want to take your spiritual ideas beyond the realm of faith? Today’s guest is Rabbi Ted Falcon, spiritual therapist and...

Robin's Story with Robin Mitchell Stroud
Providing an outlet for survivors of religious incarceration to tell their stories is a priority of The Incarcerated Christian Podcast. That includes the stories...

Life Inside a Religious Cult
How do you break out of a religious cult? What does it look like to move forward afterwards? Today’s guest (unnamed here to protect...

Celebrating Spiritual Independence with Robin Mitchell Stroud and Debra Levy Martinelli
As we celebrate the country’s independence, what about our own? What does spiritual independence mean? How can we achieve it and use it? Listen...